Adapting Early Childhood Curricula For Children With Special Needs _VERIFIED_
Highly readable, well researched, and current, Adapting Early Childhood Curricula for Children with Special Needs, 9/e uses a developmental focus, rather than a disability orientation, to discuss typical and atypical child development and curricular adaptations, and encourage the treatment of students as children first, without regard to their learning differences. This integrated but non-categorical approach assumes that children are more alike than different in their development, and avoids the negative impact of labeling children with disability categorical names. The inclusive focus assumes that attitudes, environments, and intervention strategies can be accepted so that all young children with special needs can be included. Combining systematic instruction with naturalistic instruction embedded in daily activities, this practical text provides numerous how-to strategies derived from evidence-based practices, making it invaluable as a text today and a resource to take into the classroom tomorrow. Future professionals get examples of practical, realistic curricular adaptations that make inclusive education successful; see how to deal effectively with families and others by developing essential skills in listening, communication, conflict resolution problem solving, and biases and prejudices. Unique to this text is a section including practical recommendations for working effectively with paraprofessionals. Comprehensive without being overwhelming, the book encourages reflective practice.
Presents the position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children on developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs. Provides an overview of each period of development from birth through age 8 and includes examples of practices that are appropriate and inappropriate for use with children in each age group. Useful for review of competencies 1, 2, and 4.
Includes information on developmentally appropriate practices in the assessment and education of children, as well as ways of working with children and families from diverse cultures. Explores children's readiness, the development of early stages of reading, the importance of brain development, and play and learning. Useful for review of competencies 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Incorporates theory and evidence-based practice from the fields of exceptional student education and early childhood education. Introduces activities supported by current theory, provides intervention strategies to make the most effective use of embedded learning opportunities in the curriculum, and encourages a family-centered, inclusive approach to working with children with exceptionalities. Useful for review of competencies 1, 4, and 5.
Explores the reasons and methods for developing ongoing partnerships with parents and other family members in early childhood programs. Includes tools and strategies to build communication and support networks to sustain those partnerships. Useful for review of competency 2.
Examines assessment issues, including test development and cultural competence, and emphasizes family-centered education, collaborative decision making, and holistic understanding of children with disabilities. Intended to help students use assessment in order to plan effective, personalized intervention programs for infants and preschoolers with special needs. Useful for review of competency 3.
Includes 36 research-based teaching strategies, and information on brain research, bilingual education, technology, and the media's influence on young children. Provides a synthesis of the information on language arts gleaned from research on emergent literacy, early childhood education, and special education. Useful for review of competency 1.
U 295 Special Topics Variable cr. (R 6) Offered intermittently. Offerings of visiting professors, new courses, or current topics. U 296 Independent Study Variable cr. (R 6) Offered every term. Prereq., consent of advisor and instr. U 298 Internship Variable cr. (R 6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of advisor, instructor, and director of field experiences. U 300 Field Experience/Early Elementary 1 cr. (R 4) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., C&I 200 coreq., an elementary methods course. Arranged field experience in an elementary classroom, kindergarten through third grade. U 301 Field Experience/Mid Level 1 cr. (R 4) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., C&I 200; coreq., an elementary or secondary methods course. Arranged field experience in an elementary or middle school classroom, grades four through eight. U 302 Field Experience/Secondary 1 cr. (R 4) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., C&I 200; coreq., a secondary methods course. Arranged field experience in a high school classroom. U 303 Educational Psychology and Measurements 4 cr. Offered every term. Prereq., PSYC 100S, C&I 200, and admission to Teacher Education Program. Analysis of fundamental psychological concepts underlying classroom teaching, learning and evaluation. Emphasis on cognition, developmental, and motivational aspects of learning. Basic concepts of educational measurement. UG 306 Instructional Media and Computer Applications 1 cr. (R 2) Offered every term. Prereq., C&I 303, BITE 183, and CS 171 or examination. Coreq., for elementary education majors only, C&I 309, 310, 311. Introduction to the use of technology, media, and computer software application in instruction. U 309 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., C&I 200 and 303, and Math 130 and 131. Methods for teaching elementary school mathematics through a child centered laboratory approach focusing on the use of manipulatives, models, problem solving, and technology. Emphasis on multiple assessment strategies to determine student progress and methods to evaluate elementary mathematics programs. U 310 Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., C&I 200 and 303. Foundations and purposes of the elementary social studies curriculum. Elements of lesson design including instructional methods, technology, materials and assessment. U 311 Teaching Science in the Elementary School 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., C&I 200 and 303, Sci 225 or 226. Introduction to useful ideas, methods, technology and evaluation for teaching elementary school science. Emphasis on planning and presenting hands on activities. UG 316 Children's Literature and Critical Reading 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring and odd-numbered summers. Prereq or coreq., C&I 303. Genre survey including a multi ethnic literature module focus on extensive reading and responding to quality children's literature through listening, speaking, writing, drama, and media activities emhasizes criteria for selection, critical thinking skills, the \"whole language\" approach, and effective integration of literature into the elementary curriculum. U 317 Teaching Language and Literacy 4 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., C&I 303, 316. Methods of teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking as effective tools of communication within a developmentally appropriate, technological, integrated curriculum. UG 330 Early Childhood Education 3 cr. Offered spring odd-numbered years. Prereq., consent of instr. Offered alternate years. Theory and techniques of teaching in pre school and primary levels of education. Observation and participation in pre school programs. Recommended for kindergarten and primary teachers. UG 352E Ethics and Consumer Economics 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., lower division course in Perspective 5. Analysis of personal resource use and consumer choice based on ethical theory, personal needs, market and governmental influences, and global issues. UG 355 Child in the Family 3 cr. Offered spring even-numbered years. Prereq., PSYC 100S. Physical, social, emotional and intellectual development, learning theories and child rearing practices related to children 0 6 years of age. UG 357 Introduction to Special Education Law and Policy 3 cr. Offered autumn and every other odd-numbered summer. Prereq., admission to the special education endorsement program. Introduction to the processes involved in the identification and instructional planning for students requiring special education services. Considers the prereferral, referral, multidisciplinary evaluation and individual educational programming required under state and federal mandates. Includes a field placement in a special education setting. UG 367 Pre School Practicum Laboratory 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., C&I 355. Practicum experiences including observational assessment of children, study of the planning process, team teaching of a one week unit plan, and planning and directing parent/teacher conferences. Students will complete selected readings and assignments on child development, early childhood ecological arrangements, and classroom management. Weekly seminars include early childhood pedagogy, adapted and regular physical education. U 393 Omnibus Variable cr. (R 9) Offered intermittently. Independent work under the University omnibus option. See index. U 394 Seminar Variable cr. (R 9) Offered intermittently. Group analysis of problems in specific areas of education.
U 395 Special Topics Variable cr. (R 9) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one time offerings of current topics. U 396 Independent Study Variable cr. (R 9) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. UG 407E Ethics and Policy Issues 3 cr. Offered every term. Prereq., lower division course in Perspective 5, C&I 303 and consent of instr. Practical application of ethical principles of the teaching profession. Analysis of the American public school and major policy issues from historical, legal, political, social as well as ethical perspectives. UG 410 Exceptionality and Classroom Management